Donating to tree-planting initiatives contributes to a greener future by enhancing and protecting our environment. Trees play a crucial role in improving air quality. Through photosynthesis, they absorb pollutants such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide, while releasing clean oxygen. This process not only clears the air but also contributes to combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas levels. Donate to help us all breathe easier.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide, reducing greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere and mitigating climate change. Trees absorb pollutants and release clean oxygen, improving overall air quality. One tree can: provide a day’s oxygen supply for up to four people and restore habitat for diverse species, including threatened and endangered ones.
We partner with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Pi Theta Omega Chapter, and Atlantic Health System to plant trees in Morris County. In 2023, in honor of Earth Day, we received a plaque commemorating this partnership and the trees we lovingly planted together. The plaque can be viewed at the Morris County Library.
In one year, 100 mature trees can remove 53 tons of carbon dioxide and 430 pounds of pollution from the atmosphere.
One tree can provide one day's oxygen supply for up to 4 people.
Spending time in green spaces reduces stress and improves well-being.
Discover the stories about the impact we have. Your donation makes this possible.